Angular Core Angular linkedSignal(): The Missing Link in Signal-Based Reactivity Angular’s linkedSignal is a key addition to the Angular Signals API - it enables certain edge cases to be easily implemented with signals in a much more reactive and declarative way.
Angular Core Angular Signals Component API: input, output, model (Complete Guide) A complete guide to Angular signal components, the new component authoring format. This includes signal-based inputs, outputs, and two-way binding with model().
Angular Core Angular Performance Tuning: Complete Guide To Bundle Size Optimization Learn everything you need to know about Angular performance tuning: how to generate a bundle performance profile, and how to split up your application into smaller chunks via standalone lazy-loading and partial template loading.
Angular Core Angular 17.1 Is Out: What's New? (Top 8 New Features) The Angular 17.1 release is out. Let's do a quick summary of all its major features, with an emphasis on int's major new feature: signal inputs.
Angular Core Angular Signal Inputs: Complete Guide to input() A complete guided tour of Angular Signal Inputs, covering how they compare to the @Input decorator, and how they help make the OnChanges lifecycle hook less needed.
Angular Core Angular Loading Indicator: Complete Guide A complete hands-on guide on how to build a loading indicator in Angular. The spinner will accept a customizable UI via content projection, and it will be integrated with the router. We will use an HTTP interceptor to turn it on for backend requests.
Angular Core Angular @Output: Complete Guide A complete guide to the Angular @Output decorator and EventEmitter. Learn how to use @Output to emit custom component events, and avoid a common misunderstanding regarding its use.
Angular Core Angular @Input: Complete Guide Learn how to use the Angular @Input decorator with all its many extra options, including the super-useful input transforms mechanism.
Angular Core Angular Standalone Components: Complete Guide A complete guide to Angular standalone components. Learn why they are way better than regular components, and how to easily upgrade to them.
Angular Core Angular Signals: Complete Guide A complete guide on how to use Signals in an Angular application. Learn signals, their benefits, best practices, and patterns, and avoid the most common pitfalls.
Angular Core Angular @defer: Complete Guide A complete guide on how to use the Angular @defer syntax for doing partial template loading, including all the predefined triggers, how to build custom triggers, and how it compares to lazy loading.
Angular Core Angular @switch: Complete Guide A complete guide to the new Angular @switch template syntax.
Angular Core Angular @for: Complete Guide A complete guide to all the features and best practices of the new @for template syntax, as well as a full explanation of the now mandatory tracking function.
Angular Core Angular @if: Complete Guide A complete guide to all the features of the @if template syntax, including the most frequently asked questions bout this syntax, as well as an anti-pattern to avoid.
Angular Core Angular ngIf: Complete Guide Learn all the features available in ngIf, learn the best way to use it to consume Observables, avoid a common anti-pattern.
Angular Core Angular File Upload: Complete Guide Everything that you need to know to build a fully functional custom file upload component in Angular.
Angular Core Angular @ViewChild: In-Depth Explanation (All Features Covered) The Angular @ViewChild decorator is one of the first decorators that you will run into while learning Angular, as it's also one of the most commonly used decorators. This decorator has a lot of features: some of them might not be very
Angular Core Angular Debugging "Expression has changed after it was checked": Simple Explanation (and Fix) In this post, we will cover in detail an error message that you will occasionally come across while building Angular applications: "Expression has changed after it was checked" - ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError. We are going to give a complete explanation about this error. We
Angular Core Angular :host, :host-context, ::ng-deep - Angular View Encapsulation In this post, we will learn how the default Angular styling mechanism (Emulated Encapsulation) works under the hood, and we will also cover the Sass support of the Angular CLI, and some best practices for how to leverage the many Sass features available. We
Angular Core Angular ng-template, ng-container and ngTemplateOutlet - The Complete Guide To Angular Templates In this post, we are going to dive into some of the more advanced features of Angular Core! You have probably already come across with the ng-template Angular core directive, such as for example while using ngIf/else, or ngSwitch. The ng-template directive and
Angular Core Angular HTTP Client - Quickstart Guide This post will be a quick practical guide for the Angular HTTP Client module. We will cover how to do HTTP in Angular in general. We will be using the new @angular/common/http module, but a good part of this post is also
Angular Core Angular ngClass and ngStyle: The Complete Guide In this post, we are going to learn the most commonly used options that we have available for styling our Angular components using the ngClass and ngStyle core directives. This is the first post of a two-part series in Angular Component Styling, if you
Angular Core Angular Advanced - A Video List About Several Advanced Angular Topics In this post, we are going to go over a few videos on some more advanced Angular topics that we tend to find frequently - for example when writing our own third-party library. Table Of Contents Here is the list of topics covered in
Angular Core Angular ng-content and Content Projection: Complete Guide One of the Angular features that help us the most in building reusable components is Content Projection and ng-content. In this post, we are going to learn how to use this feature to design components that have a very simple but still powerful API
Angular Core Angular OnPush Change Detection and Component Design - Avoid Common Pitfalls Did you ever try to use the Angular OnPush Change Detection strategy in your application, but run into some hard to debug issues and quickly went back to default change detection? In this post we are going to cover some typical pitfalls where OnPush