Angular 17 introduced a new template syntax called @switch, that allows to show or hide template sections depending on a logical condition.

This new syntax is an alternative to the previous ngSwitch structural directive.

In this guide, I will explain the @switch template syntax and how to use it in your Angular application.

Table of Contents

This post covers the following topics:

  • What is @switch?
  • Using @switch with multiple @case blocks
  • The @default clause in @switch
  • ngSwitch vs @switch
  • Migrating to @switch using the Angular CLI
  • Summary

Note: If you're looking for the @if or @for syntaxes, check out my other guides:

You can read all about @switch and the new template syntax in the official docs: Angular Control Flow.

What is @switch?

The @switch syntax is for Angular what the switch statement is for Javascript.

The @switch template syntax is used to select the right template section to render based on the value of an expression.

Typically you want to use @switch when you have at least 2 or more different options to display, depending on the value of the expression.

If on the other hand you only have two options to display, you usually want to use the @if syntax instead.

Notice that the @switch template syntax is not a directive. This feature is built right into the template engine, just like @if or @for.

Here is how it works.

Using @switch with multiple @case blocks

Let's see an example of @switch in action:

@switch (color) {
    @case ("red") {
    @case ("blue") {

The code above will render:

  • "Red" if the value of the color variable is "red"
  • "Blue" if the value of the color variable is "blue"

You can see the similarities between @switch and the Javascript switch statement:

switch (color) {
  case "red":
    // code
  case "blue":
    // code

The @default clause in @switch

The @default clause is used to render a template when none of the @case blocks matches the value of the expression.

Let's see an example:

  template: ` @switch (color) { 
  @case ("red") {
    @case ("blue") {
    @default {
    } }`,
export class AppComponent {
  color = "green";

The code above will render "Default" because none of the @case blocks matches the value "green" of the color variable.

ngSwitch vs @switch

The @switch syntax is a direct replacement for the ngSwitch structural directive.

It has the following benefits over the ngSwitch directive:

  • it's much more intuitive, it reads just like a plain switch statement in Javascript

  • no explicit imports are needed in standalone components. The @switch syntax is automatically available in all templates, unlike ngSwitch

Migrating to @switch using the Angular CLI

The Angular CLI has a command that can be used to migrate from ngSwitch to @switch:

ng generate @angular/core:control-flow

This command will migrate all the *ngSwitch directives in your project to the new syntax, and it will do the same for @if and @for.

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In this guide, we explored the new @switch template syntax in detail.

As you can see, it's super intuitive and it reads just like a plain switch statement in Javascript.

No imports are needed, and you can easily migrate to it using the Angular CLI.

So go ahead and try it out, and let me know in the comments below of any questions you might have!